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  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2006-09-10 09:54:36
  • 조회수2215
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
Sponsor(s): Odense University Hospital Conditions to be treated: Type 2 Diabetes Purpose: Physical activity as treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Treatment of T2D is often done by medication, changing the diet and increased physical activity. It is well established that physical training has a positive effect on the pathology of T2D such as increased insulin sensitivity and reduced fasting plasma glucose (7) and blood lipids (15). It is also well known that in healthy subjects endurance training increases mitochondrial density, lipid oxidation during submaximal exercise, and results in a number of qualitative changes in the control of OXPHOS (24). However, the effect of physical training on the mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle of patients with T2D has not been investigated. The purpose of this project is to investigate the effect of physical training on the mitochondrial respiratory function in muscles of patients with T2D. Skeletal muscle biopsies will be taken before and after 10 weeks of physical training in patients with T2D and matched control subjects. Mitochondria will be isolated from the muscle biopsies, and respiratory function, free radical production and UCP3 will be determined. Furthermore, measures of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), heart rate and capillary lactate concentrations and carbohydrate and lipid oxidation will be determined partly to verify an increased aerobic capacity and partly to investigate the changes in these factors in T2D patients. Interventions: Procedure:Physical training (aerob training) Study type: Interventional Study Design Overview: Treatment Randomized Single Blind Dose Comparison Single Group Assignment Efficacy Study Age limit of subjects: 40 to 65 years of age Genders eligible for study: Male Official title: Primary Outcomes: Mitochondrial respiratory measurements. The investigations are carried out by two rounds - one before Christmas and one after. Secondary Outcomes: VO2max; Lipid oxidation; muscle fiber type composition; muscle oxidative enzymes; mitochondrial-specific proteins (UCP3); mitochondrial production of free oxygen radicals Expected Total Enrollment: 30 Important dates: Start Date: 2006-08-01Data Entry Closure: 2007-09-01 Exclusion Criteria for study: BMI under 26 Age under 40 and over 65 Contact information for recruiting centers: University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital, Odense, 5000, Denmark; Recruiting Martin Mogensen, MSc +456550 3437 mmogensen@health.sdu.dk Martin Mogensen, MSc, Principal Investigator
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