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Book Introduction: Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life

  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2006-12-30 16:08:28
  • 조회수2206
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
According to Nick Lane, "mitochondria have shaped our lives, and the world we inhabit, in ways that defy belief". Mitochondria are the "tiny power-houses within cells that control our lives in surprising ways". Every cell in our bodies contains 300-400 of them, a total of 10 million billion in each of us, or 10% of our body weight. They generate our energy by burning oxygen. Unfortunately, this process also releases free radicals (reactive molecules), which attack our genes causing mutations and cell death. This in turn leads to ageing and degenerative diseases. Thus, Lane explains, the secret of prolonging life may lie with mitochondria. Centenarians often have the same variation within a mitochondrial gene, a single letter change in their genetic code that seems to limit the damaging leakage of free radicals. If you have it you are 50% more likely to live to 100 and half as likely to get an age-related disease. From the secret of longevity to why we are here at all, Lane's story is intriguing; and although his enthusiasm for his subject sometimes draws him into unnecessary detail, he argues convincingly that "mitochondria are the clandestine rulers of our world".
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296 뚱뚱한 사람 ‘당뇨·심장병’ 잘 생기는 이유 찾았다 2008.07.07 한진 2008.07.07 2,237
295 Mitochondrial dysfunction and redox signaling in atrial tachyarrhythmia 2008.06.08 한진 2008.06.08 4,008
294 근위축증-세포사멸 -미토콘드리아 -네이쳐 2008.04.28 김형규 2008.04.28 4,444
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292 알츠하이머 억제 효소, 다른 치매에는 악영향 (2008-04-24) 2008.04.28 김형규 2008.04.28 3,153
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288 2008 KHUPO congress 소개 2008.04.10 김형규 2008.04.10 2,682
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