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A novel technique for new idea to Mitochondria as Ischemia biomarker

  • 작성자dang van cuong
  • 작성일2005-05-02 00:07:43
  • 조회수2737
To investigate tumors, pathologists currently rely on labor-intensive microscopic examination, using century-old cell-staining methods that can take days to complete and may give false readings. A lightning-fast laser technique has provided laboratory demonstrations of accurate, real-time, high-throughput identification of liver tumor cells at their earliest stages, and without invasive chemical reagents. The technique generates a laser beam in single human cells pumped from a flask through tiny microchannels. The beam is altered by what it encounters. These changes, registered by an imaging spectrometer, instantly identify cancer-modified mitochondria in cells gone wrong. Mitochondria are known as the power pack of cells, energizing them like batteries do flashlight bulbs. There are hundreds of mitochondria, sometimes thousands, in a cell. To see them in the old way requires a time-consuming process like fluorescent tagging or a chemical reagent. To rapidly assess the health of a single mammalian cell, the key discovery was the elucidation of biophotonic differences in normal and cancer cells by using intracellular mitochondria as biomarkers for disease. This technique holds promise for detecting cancer at a very early stage and could nearly eliminate delays in diagnosis and treatment. It measures changes in the cell architecture, especially those arising from alterations in protein density, cytoskeleton shape, and distribution of mitochondria changes that occur when a cell becomes cancerous Image attached: proof positive - The difference between a normal and cancerous liver cell is shown clearly by the location of mitochondria, as revealed by Sandia's biocavity laser. The healthy cell shows very few mitochondria near the outer cell wall; they cluster densely (red coloration) as they approach the cell's nucleous (depicted here as the black central hole). In the cancerous cell, the mitochondria are spread throughout the cell, do not cluster, and under the same lighting produce a more subdued effect.
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No. 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
271 New Confocal microscope in Kimhae 첨부파일 2007.05.31 Dang Van Cuong 2007.05.31 2,266
270 Congratulation Mr Kim 2007.05.25 박원선 2007.05.25 2,219
269 축하 드립니다! 김형규샘! 2007.05.17 강성현 2007.05.17 2,719
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266 HUPO 6th Annual World Congress, Seoul 2007 첨부파일 2007.04.17 한진 2007.04.17 2,220
265 Congratulation, Dr. Park! 2007.04.12 한진 2007.04.12 2,049
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263 Defective mitochondrial biogenesis: a hallmark of the high cardiovascular risk in the metabolic syndrome? 2007.04.05 한진 2007.04.05 2,964
262 Congratulation to Prof. Warda! 2007.04.04 한진 2007.04.04 2,302
261 Congratulation!! Cuong 2007.03.27 박원선 2007.03.27 2,018
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259 2006 HUPO 에서 뽑은 각 분야 포스터에 저희 포스터가 4개 선정되었습니다. 2007.03.17 김형규 2007.03.17 3,719
258 Two NIH funded postdoctoral positions are available immediately 2007.03.09 한진 2007.03.09 2,282
257 Please share the attached paper with all lab members. 첨부파일 2007.02.24 한진 2007.02.24 1,959
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