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Error bars in experimental biology

  • 작성자허혜진
  • 작성일2011-05-02 13:28:54
  • 조회수3132
이미 잘알고 계시겠지만 도움이 될까싶어 올립니다. Abstract Error bars commonly appear in figures in publications, but experimental biologists are often unsure how they should be used and interpreted. In this article we illustrate some basic features of error bars and explain how they can help communicate data and assist correct interpretation. Error bars may show confidence intervals, standard errors, standard deviations, or other quantities. Different types of error bars give quite different information, and so figure legends must make clear what error bars represent. We suggest eight simple rules to assist with effective use and interpretation of error bars.
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326 site link : National Institue of Health 2009.02.16 최성우 2009.02.16 1,656
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319 유신선생 논문, 축하해주세요. 2009.01.23 한진 2009.01.23 2,109
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