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Proteins are key to cell death in heart disease, stroke and degenerative conditions

  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2006-02-26 02:32:20
  • 조회수1892
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have gained deeper understanding of two members of a family of proteins called caspases that play a key role in promoting apoptosis, a process in which the cell responds to external signals by essentially committing suicide. Published in the February 10 issue of Science, the study focused on caspase 3 and caspase 7. By breeding mice deficient in both of these proteins, the team was able to closely study their role in apoptosis, which is important to a wide range of normal physiologic processes, such as embryonic development and proper management of the immune system. Apoptosis also occurs in disease states, such as stroke, heart attacks and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. Insufficient apoptosis can lead to autoimmune diseases and cancer. In this study, mice that lacked caspases 3 and 7 had defects in cardiac development and died within the first day of life. "Using fibroblasts from these mice, we were able to determine that a lack of these two proteins renders individual cells highly resistant to dying," said first author on the study Saquib A. Lakhani, associate research scientist in the Department of Pediatrics and the Section of Immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine. Lakhani and co-authors were further able to show that caspases 3 and 7 play a fundamental role in controlling mitochondrial events of apoptosis, including dissipation of energy production. "Although mitochondria are primarily known as the energy generators of cells, they control apoptosis by releasing a variety of pro-apoptotic factors," said Lakhani. "These results provide further insight into the molecular control of apoptosis and are relevant to the wide variety of health and disease processes that rely on apoptosis." ### Other authors on the study are Ali Masud, Keisuke Kuida, George A. Porter, Jr., Carmen J. Booth, Wajahat Z. Mehal, Irteza Inayat, and principal investigator Richard A. Flavell. Citation: Science, Vol. 311, Issue 5762 (February 10, 2006)
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No. 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
271 New Confocal microscope in Kimhae 첨부파일 2007.05.31 Dang Van Cuong 2007.05.31 2,267
270 Congratulation Mr Kim 2007.05.25 박원선 2007.05.25 2,220
269 축하 드립니다! 김형규샘! 2007.05.17 강성현 2007.05.17 2,720
268 고재홍선생님 좋아하는 HIF-1이네요. 2007.05.13 한진 2007.05.13 3,254
267 Congratulation Dr Park - for new paper 2007.04.30 강성현 2007.04.30 3,643
266 HUPO 6th Annual World Congress, Seoul 2007 첨부파일 2007.04.17 한진 2007.04.17 2,221
265 Congratulation, Dr. Park! 2007.04.12 한진 2007.04.12 2,049
264 당뇨병, 세계를 위협하는 무서운 질병으로 발전 2007.04.08 한진 2007.04.08 2,123
263 Defective mitochondrial biogenesis: a hallmark of the high cardiovascular risk in the metabolic syndrome? 2007.04.05 한진 2007.04.05 2,964
262 Congratulation to Prof. Warda! 2007.04.04 한진 2007.04.04 2,302
261 Congratulation!! Cuong 2007.03.27 박원선 2007.03.27 2,018
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259 2006 HUPO 에서 뽑은 각 분야 포스터에 저희 포스터가 4개 선정되었습니다. 2007.03.17 김형규 2007.03.17 3,719
258 Two NIH funded postdoctoral positions are available immediately 2007.03.09 한진 2007.03.09 2,282
257 Please share the attached paper with all lab members. 첨부파일 2007.02.24 한진 2007.02.24 1,959
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