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Two NIH funded postdoctoral positions are available immediately

  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2007-03-09 00:53:09
  • 조회수2284
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
Two NIH funded postdoctoral positions are available immediately to investigate the molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial oxidative stress, mitochondria-to-nucleus cross talk and its role in cancer. 1: Mitochondria-to-nucleus cross talk in Mouse Model of tumorigenesis: Excellent opportunity for an individual with experience in mouse genetics, cancer genetics, mammalian cell culture, DNA transfection, Northern, Southern, PCR, and general molecular biology techniques 2: Mitochondria-to-nucleus cross talk in cell culture model of Breast Cancer tumorigenesis: Excellent opportunity for an individual with experience in mammalian cell culture, DNA transfection, Northern, Southern, PCR, and general molecular biology techniques. Experience in mitochondrial methods is desirable but not necessary. Please forward/fax curriculum vitae and a brief description of research experience to Keshav Singh (see below) __________________________________________________ Keshav K. Singh, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief, Mitochondrion Professor of Oncology Department of Cancer Genetics Roswell Park Cancer Institute BLSC Building, Room # 3-316 Elm and Carlton Streets Buffalo, NY, 14263 Office: 716-845-8017; Lab: 716-845-1078; Fax: 716-845-1047 E-mail: keshav.singh@roswellpark.org www.roswellpark.org/document_3517.html The Mitochondria Research Society www.mitoresearch.org Mitochondrion Journal www.elsevier.com/locate/mito
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No. 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
241 Mitochondrial Damage Impairs Oxygen Metabolism After Intracerebral Hemorrhage 2007.01.11 한진 2007.01.11 2,146
240 Weight Loss Improves Heart Rate Recovery in Overweight and Obese Men With Features of the Metabolic Syndrome 2007.01.11 한진 2007.01.11 2,132
239 Metabolic Syndrome Independently Predicts Vascular Complications in Diabetes 2007.01.11 한진 2007.01.11 1,929
238 Metabolic Syndrome Helps Predict Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Risk 2007.01.11 한진 2007.01.11 4,119
237 미토콘드리아 DNA의 복제 첨부파일 2007.01.10 한진 2007.01.10 3,277
236 미토콘드리아에 관심 집중 2007.01.10 한진 2007.01.10 2,180
235 미토콘드리아 산화 스트레스로 인한 파킨슨병 기전 동정 2007.01.10 한진 2007.01.10 2,733
234 미토콘드리아 이동 변화에 따른 신경세포 기능 이상 동정 2007.01.10 한진 2007.01.10 2,170
233 세포의 기능에 영향을 주는 미토콘드리아 DNA 발견 2007.01.10 한진 2007.01.10 2,819
232 미토콘드리아 DNA조절 부위 변이가 알츠하이머병과 연관 2007.01.10 한진 2007.01.10 4,206
231 미토콘드리아 돌연변이가 혈압 및 콜레스테롤 이상과 관련 2007.01.10 한진 2007.01.10 2,371
230 암세포의 아킬레스腱은 미토콘드리아 2007.01.10 한진 2007.01.10 2,067
229 Inadequate cytoplasmic antioxidant enzymes response contributes to the oxidative stress in human hypertension. 2007.01.06 한진 2007.01.06 3,717
228 A comparison of arteries and veins in oxidative stress: producers, destroyers, function, and disease. 2007.01.06 한진 2007.01.06 2,199
227 Uncoupling protein-3: clues in an ongoing mitochondrial mystery. 2007.01.06 한진 2007.01.06 2,509
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