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Scientists Find Clue to Cell Suicides

  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2006-10-10 13:26:42
  • 조회수2246
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
Scientists Find Clue to Cell Suicides OCTOBER 02, 2006 07:02 A new mechanism for cells killing themselves was found by an international joint research group, which a Korean scientist is participating in. Professor Jeong Seon-Yong (40) of the Department of Medical Genetics at Ajou University’s School of Medicine said on October 1, “We found that proteins called “Bax” and “Bak” control the process of apoptosis, or cellular self-deconstruction.” This new discovery will hopefully provide substantial aid to the research of the causes of diseases in which cells self-deconstruct, such as cancer and dementia. In a healthy cell, bean-shaped mitochondria create the energy required to sustain life by repeating the process of making contact and then moving apart. If something goes wrong in this process, the results are cancer, dementia, or rapid aging. The research group observed mitochondria with a laser-scanning microscope after removing the Bax and Bak from human and mouse cells. The results showed mitochondria failing to come into contact with each other. Professor Jeong said, “Bax and Bak were known only as proteins inducing apoptosis. This is the first time they have been proved to have the function of connecting mitochondria.” A cell relinquishes its life if it becomes damaged to the point where recovery is impossible. In the process of this self-deconstruction, mitochondria no longer come into contact. It is a probable induction that apoptosis is caused by Bax and Bak failing to connect mitochondria. These results were published in the October 1 online edition of “Nature.”
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