Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease Center
Mitochondrial Research Affinity Collaboration-Laboratories & Engineering

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Please share the attached paper with all lab members.

  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2007-02-24 14:43:47
  • 조회수1959
Dear Hyunggyu, Please share the attached paper with all lab members. With this message I would like to inform you that the first Viewpoint article of PROTEOMICS-Clinical Applications has just been published: Clinical proteomics: A need to define the field and to begin to set adequate standards Mischak, H., Apweiler, R., Banks, R. E., Conaway, M. et al., Proteomics Clin. Appl. 2007, 1, 148-156. A team of 26 authors has attempted to suggest initial and as yet preliminary guidelines for clinical proteome analysis. As stated in the abstract The aim of this manuscript is to initiate a constructive discussion about the definition of clinical proteomics, study requirements, pitfalls and (potential) use? The fulltext version of this article is attached. Any comments or feedback concerning this article is highly welcome. Please direct your response directly to me. Best regards
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