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Cuong 논문, Accept되었고, 곧 online으로 출판됩니다.

  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2005-12-08 22:56:14
  • 조회수3497
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
축하합니다. Thank you for uploading your accepted manuscript (H-00772-2005.R3) to Article in PresS. These online publications are transmitted to the online journal site on a weekly schedule. You can visit the site usually within a week after the receipt of this e-mail to see the published article. It is citable by the DOI, 10.1152/ajpheart.00772.2005, which can also be found at the top of the title page. You may view the postings at: http://ajpheart.physiology.org/papbyrecent.shtml You will notice that this submission has been assigned a sequential R designation. This is just a way for the system to create another instance of the record. It will not be processed as a revision. Please share this information with your co-authors so that they will know that your article is being published. If you have not yet sent the materials for print production, please send these quickly so that we can schedule your manuscript for the next available print issue. Once your article has been published online, the source files you provide will be placed into print production. Our time from acceptance to print publication is about 4 months. When your article has been copy edited, you will receive an email RapidProof of your paginated article. The reprint order form is on the last two pages of the proof. You will then be able to order reprints and determine your publication charges. We appreciate your contribution to AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology. We look forward to receiving more manuscripts from your group in the future. Sincerely, Margaret Reich Director of Publications APS Gil Ebner Peer Review Manager APS Journals
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No. 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
121 2005년 생명공학백서가 발간 되었습니다. [생명공학정책연구센터] (1) 2006.02.10 김태호 2006.02.10 1,810
120 신기능 단백질 제조기술 개발 2006.01.27 한진 2006.01.27 1,847
119 Why do reviewers do it? (2)첨부파일 2006.01.20 한진 2006.01.20 1,721
118 Congratulation, Dr. Park's new paper!! (5)첨부파일 2006.01.20 한진 2006.01.20 1,805
117 축하합니다. (4) 2006.01.14 한진 2006.01.14 1,717
116 컴퓨터 생물학, 향후 5년내 10배 이상 성장 전망 2006.01.13 한진 2006.01.13 1,783
115 실험노트의 완벽한 작성!! 한번 더 부탁드립니다. (2) 2006.01.13 한진 2006.01.13 1,862
114 닭은 머리없이 생존? 우주공간은 무중력? (1) 2006.01.13 염재범 2006.01.13 2,692
113 "구운 CD 수명 기껏해야 5년" (2) 2006.01.12 주현 2006.01.12 1,989
112 내성 유방암, 저용량 에스트로겐 대안 : 에스트라디올, 내성 유방암세포 사멸기전 규명 (2) 2006.01.07 주현 2006.01.07 2,453
111 Targeting Mitochondria Emerges as Therapeutic Strategy (2) 2006.01.02 한진 2006.01.02 4,843
110 小食 = 長壽? (2) 2005.12.26 김형규 2005.12.26 1,965
109 Science 최근 황우석교수관련 기사 - 퍼옴 (1) 2005.12.21 김형규 2005.12.21 2,354
108 박원선 선생님 논문이 Accept되었습니다. (6) 2005.12.19 한진 2005.12.19 1,993
읽는중 Cuong 논문, Accept되었고, 곧 online으로 출판됩니다. (8) 2005.12.08 한진 2005.12.08 3,497
처음 이전 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 다음 마지막