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  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2005-12-08 22:56:14
  • 조회수3497
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
축하합니다. Thank you for uploading your accepted manuscript (H-00772-2005.R3) to Article in PresS. These online publications are transmitted to the online journal site on a weekly schedule. You can visit the site usually within a week after the receipt of this e-mail to see the published article. It is citable by the DOI, 10.1152/ajpheart.00772.2005, which can also be found at the top of the title page. You may view the postings at: http://ajpheart.physiology.org/papbyrecent.shtml You will notice that this submission has been assigned a sequential R designation. This is just a way for the system to create another instance of the record. It will not be processed as a revision. Please share this information with your co-authors so that they will know that your article is being published. If you have not yet sent the materials for print production, please send these quickly so that we can schedule your manuscript for the next available print issue. Once your article has been published online, the source files you provide will be placed into print production. Our time from acceptance to print publication is about 4 months. When your article has been copy edited, you will receive an email RapidProof of your paginated article. The reprint order form is on the last two pages of the proof. You will then be able to order reprints and determine your publication charges. We appreciate your contribution to AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology. We look forward to receiving more manuscripts from your group in the future. Sincerely, Margaret Reich Director of Publications APS Gil Ebner Peer Review Manager APS Journals
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No. 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
376 우리가 사는 지구는? 2011.05.26 김나리 2011.05.26 2,627
375 Error bars in experimental biology 첨부파일 2011.05.02 허혜진 2011.05.02 3,130
374 파킨슨 질병은 미토콘드리아 complex 1 손상 보다 microtuble 에 의해서 생길수도... 라는 논문 2011.03.08 김형규 2011.03.08 5,388
373 운동을 안해도,운동한 것처럼 건강한 심장을 만들어 주는 유전자 2011.01.06 서대윤 2011.01.06 3,903
372 2010 ㅡmitophysiology conference, Young Investigator Award 수상 2010.11.16 김형규 2010.11.16 3,366
371 3차원 세포의 세계 2010.10.27 김민희 2010.10.27 2,643
370 인제대 '심혈관.대사질환센터' 중점연구소 선정 -연합뉴스 2010.08.10 김형규 2010.08.10 4,078
369 7월 연구노트 작성 우수상 시상 2010.08.03 김민희 2010.08.03 2,992
368 NYAS 리뷰 논문 게재 - 김형규,하승희 2010.08.02 김형규 2010.08.02 3,726
367 박원선 교수님과 최일환 교수님의 논문이 publish 되었습니다. 2010.07.09 최성우 2010.07.09 4,351
366 김형규-부티투 4회 미토콘드리아 연구의학회 best research award 수상 첨부파일 2010.07.06 김형규 2010.07.06 2,195
365 6월 연구노트 작성 우수상 시상 2010.06.28 최성우 2010.06.28 2,546
364 4th Conference of Korean Society for Mitochondrial Reaserch and Medicine 첨부파일 2010.06.17 최성우 2010.06.17 3,674
363 5월 연구노트 작성 우수상 시상 2010.05.31 최성우 2010.05.31 3,002
362 안준석 - 제18회 기초의학 학술대회,학생논문발표대회 최우수상 수상 첨부파일 2010.05.28 최성우 2010.05.28 3,381
처음이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 마지막