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International Physiome Symposium 2008

  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2008-03-28 03:30:37
  • 조회수2527
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
Chairman : Yung E Earm (Seoul National Univ.) Symposium dates : April 10-11, 2008 Symposium venue: Lee Kun-Hee Hall, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul Program secretary: Prof. Eun Bo Shim (Kangwon National Univ., Korea) ebshim@kangwon.ac.kr Prof. Sung Joon Kim (Seoul National Univ., Korea) sjoonkim@snu.ac.kr Key Dates: March 31, 2008 : Deadline of submitting abstracts April 5, 2008 : Registration close “Toward Holistic Medicine: Physiome and Oriental Medicine” Tentative Program Part I. Worldwide Funding Policy in Physiome/Systems Biology Research 1. Dr. Grace Peng (NIH, USA) - “NIH funding policy for multiscale modeling” 2. Prof. Fumihiko Kajiya (Okayama Univ., Japan) - "Collaboration among academia, industry and government on integration from nanotechnology to systems biology" 3. Dr. Marco Viceconti (Institute of Orthopedic Research, Italy) - "EU funding policy for virtual physiological human” 4. A representative from Korean government (MOST, Korea) Welcome Dinner April 10, 6:00PM~ Part II. New Integrative approach to Research in Alternative/Oriental Medicine 1. Prof. Denis Noble (Oxford Univ., UK) - "Systems biology and oriental medicine: could there be a synthesis?" 2. Dr. Jong Yeol Kim (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Korea) - “Current researches on SCM" 3. Prof. Han Chae (Pusan National Univ., Korea) - "From mind to genome" 4. Prof. Yung E Earm (Seoul National Univ., Korea) - "Physiomic research for the understanding of constitutional characteristics" Lunch April 11, 12:30PM~2:00PM Part III. Recent Progress in Physiome Research 1. Prof. Peter Hunter (Auckland Univ., New Zealand) - "New developments in the IUPS physiome project" 2. Prof. Yoshihisa Kurachi (Osaka Univ., Japan) - "Multi-level simulation for the risk assessment of drug-induced cardiac arrhythmias" 3. Prof. Satoshi Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ., Japan) - "Cell/Biodynamics simulation project in Kyoto university: Medical systems biology of the heart“ 4. Prof. Kyung Tae No (Yonsei Univ., Korea) - “Development of e-organ system for drug repositioning” Dinner April 11, 6:30PM~
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