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International Physiome Symposium 2008

  • 작성자한진
  • 작성일2008-03-28 03:30:37
  • 조회수2527
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
Chairman : Yung E Earm (Seoul National Univ.) Symposium dates : April 10-11, 2008 Symposium venue: Lee Kun-Hee Hall, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul Program secretary: Prof. Eun Bo Shim (Kangwon National Univ., Korea) ebshim@kangwon.ac.kr Prof. Sung Joon Kim (Seoul National Univ., Korea) sjoonkim@snu.ac.kr Key Dates: March 31, 2008 : Deadline of submitting abstracts April 5, 2008 : Registration close “Toward Holistic Medicine: Physiome and Oriental Medicine” Tentative Program Part I. Worldwide Funding Policy in Physiome/Systems Biology Research 1. Dr. Grace Peng (NIH, USA) - “NIH funding policy for multiscale modeling” 2. Prof. Fumihiko Kajiya (Okayama Univ., Japan) - "Collaboration among academia, industry and government on integration from nanotechnology to systems biology" 3. Dr. Marco Viceconti (Institute of Orthopedic Research, Italy) - "EU funding policy for virtual physiological human” 4. A representative from Korean government (MOST, Korea) Welcome Dinner April 10, 6:00PM~ Part II. New Integrative approach to Research in Alternative/Oriental Medicine 1. Prof. Denis Noble (Oxford Univ., UK) - "Systems biology and oriental medicine: could there be a synthesis?" 2. Dr. Jong Yeol Kim (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Korea) - “Current researches on SCM" 3. Prof. Han Chae (Pusan National Univ., Korea) - "From mind to genome" 4. Prof. Yung E Earm (Seoul National Univ., Korea) - "Physiomic research for the understanding of constitutional characteristics" Lunch April 11, 12:30PM~2:00PM Part III. Recent Progress in Physiome Research 1. Prof. Peter Hunter (Auckland Univ., New Zealand) - "New developments in the IUPS physiome project" 2. Prof. Yoshihisa Kurachi (Osaka Univ., Japan) - "Multi-level simulation for the risk assessment of drug-induced cardiac arrhythmias" 3. Prof. Satoshi Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ., Japan) - "Cell/Biodynamics simulation project in Kyoto university: Medical systems biology of the heart“ 4. Prof. Kyung Tae No (Yonsei Univ., Korea) - “Development of e-organ system for drug repositioning” Dinner April 11, 6:30PM~
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No. 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
301 "인류가 암(cancer)과의 전쟁을 선포한 지 40년 가까운 세월이 흘렀지만, 여전히 이 전쟁에서 암 세포가 승리하고 있다." 2008.09.09 김형규 2008.09.09 2,002
300 축하합니다, 박원선 선생님. 2008.08.29 한진 2008.08.29 1,950
299 미토콘드리아 DNA를 방출하여 세균을 잡는 호산구 2008.08.19 한진 2008.08.19 2,230
298 한진교수님, 신문에 나셨어요! 2008.08.08 홍다혜 2008.08.08 2,158
297 롯데경기 다시보기 2008.07.12 최성우 2008.07.12 2,680
296 뚱뚱한 사람 ‘당뇨·심장병’ 잘 생기는 이유 찾았다 2008.07.07 한진 2008.07.07 2,237
295 Mitochondrial dysfunction and redox signaling in atrial tachyarrhythmia 2008.06.08 한진 2008.06.08 4,008
294 근위축증-세포사멸 -미토콘드리아 -네이쳐 2008.04.28 김형규 2008.04.28 4,444
293 PPAR and diabetics (PPAR 리간드로 당뇨치료) 2008.04.28 김형규 2008.04.28 3,814
292 알츠하이머 억제 효소, 다른 치매에는 악영향 (2008-04-24) 2008.04.28 김형규 2008.04.28 3,153
291 암세포 조절 유전자 -glut 3 2008.04.25 김형규 2008.04.25 3,207
290 Weekly research highlight in NATURE 2008.04.11 김형규 2008.04.11 2,880
289 "아연"이 뇌신경세포 사멸시킨다. 2008.04.11 김형규 2008.04.11 2,954
288 2008 KHUPO congress 소개 2008.04.10 김형규 2008.04.10 2,682
읽는중 International Physiome Symposium 2008 2008.03.28 한진 2008.03.28 2,527
처음이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 마지막