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Cultured cardiac myocytes...!!!

  • 작성자고재홍
  • 작성일2006-07-13 13:59:45
  • 조회수2204
  • 첨부파일첨부파일
Rat cardiac myocytes를 culture 하는데 성공 했습니다. 필요하신 분이 있으시면 세포를 준비하는 방법이나 cell을 share하도록 할테니 말씀해 주시길 바랍니다...^_^!!! I have succeeded in primary cell culture of rat cardiac myocytes. Please, let me know who want to get the information of methods or use the cells. I'll share with you...^_^!!!
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19 Mitochondria Make A Comeback, Science (Cover page) 2005.01.27 한진 2005.01.27 3,329
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